Operator DmaFromPC

Operator Library: Hardware Platform

For the imaFlex CXP-12 Quad platform:

This operator provides a source of user data transferred from the user application back to the frame grabber for advanced processing. The DmaFromPC operator does not interpret transported data. Instead, this operator provides data in raw format 8-bit per value at parallelism degree, which corresponds to the amount of used PCIe lanes for the imaFlex CXP-12 Quad platform.

All data received by a DMA from the PC memory are output at the output link O. The DmaFromPC operator supports only one output format: 8-bit unsigned gray (raw), parallelism 32, maximal image height 1, maximal image width must not exceed 2^31-1 and must also be divisible by the parallelism 32, i.e. 2,147,483,616 pixels (bytes).

The maximal image width can be configured by the user. The setting of the output link and thus the maximal image width must be greater than or equal to the raw frame size. Otherwise, the operator injects an image into VisualApplets, which violates the link properties. Depending on the application algorithm, this image may cause issues in the processing.

The DmaFromPC operator requires one VisualApplets resource of type DmaFromHostPort. Set the resource index for the operator in the resource dialog. Check 'Allocation of Device Resources' for more information.

For microEnable IV VD-CL/-PoCL platforms:

The operator DmaFromPC provides a source for image data from the PC, e.g. when the frame grabber is used as a co-processor, or well defined test images should be fed into the processing pipeline.

All data received by a DMA from the PC memory are output at the output link O. The format of the output link can be selected from 6 gray scale and color formats accessible via the parameter LinkFormat.

Because the data stream send from the PC memory does not support image dimensions, the size of the frame has to be defined using the parameters MaxNumPixel and MaxNumLines. Mind that the number of bytes transferred via DMA must match the image dimension calculated from these two parameters.

Although the parameters MaxNumPixel and MaxNumLine allow to define extremely large images there are some restrictions to observe. First of all the image size is not allowed to extend 2 Gbyte. The second restriction is that the parameter MaxNumPixel must be set in multiples of the output link parallelism.

This operator requires one VisualApplets resource of type DMA. Set the resource index for the camera in the resource dialog. Check 'Allocation of Device Resources' for more information.

Available for Hardware Platforms
imaFlex CXP-12 Quad
microEnable IV VD-CL/-PoCL

I/O Properties

Property Value
Operator Type M
Output Links O for microEnable IV VD-CL/-PoCL, image data output
O for imaFlex CXP-12 Quad, image data output

Supported Link Format

Link Parameter Output Link O for microEnable IV VD-CL/-PoCL Output Link O for imaFlex CXP-12 Quad
Bit Width auto1 8
Arithmetic {unsigned, signed} {unsigned}
Parallelism 4 32
Kernel Columns 1 1
Kernel Rows 1 1
Color Format auto2 GRAY
Color Flavor auto3 NONE
Max. Img Width any 2.147.483.616
Max. Img Height any 1


The input bit width is defined by parameter LinkFormat.

2 3

The color format and color flavor are defined by the parameter LinkFormat.


Type dynamic read/write parameter
Default 1024
Range [1, 65536]

This parameter defines the width of the transferred image in pixels. The value has to be less than the link property Max. Image Width.

[Note] Availability

This parameter is only available on the platform microEnable IV VD-CL/-PoCL, not on the imaFlex CXP-12 Quad platform.

Type dynamic read/write parameter
Default 1024
Range [1, 65536]

This parameter defines the height of the transferred image in lines. The value has to be less than the link property Max. Image Height.

[Note] Availability

This parameter is only available on the platform microEnable IV VD-CL/-PoCL, not on the imaFlex CXP-12 Quad platform.

Type static parameter
Default GRAY8x4
Range {GRAY8x4, GRAY16x2, GRAY32x1, RGB8x1, RGB8x2, RGB16x1}

This parameter specifies the data format of the output link O. Available formats are:

GRAY8x4 gray scale image, 8 bit per pixel, parallelism = 4
GRAY16x2 gray scale image, 16 bit per pixel, parallelism = 2
GRAY32x1 gray scale image, 32 bit per pixel, parallelism = 1
RGB8x1 RGB color image, 8 bit per pixel, parallelism = 1
RGB8x2 RGB color image, 8 bit per pixel, parallelism = 2
RGB16x1 RGB color image, 16 bit per pixel, parallelism = 1
[Note] Availability

This parameter is only available on the platform microEnable IV VD-CL/-PoCL, not on the imaFlex CXP-12 Quad platform.

Examples of Use

The use of operator DmaFromPC is shown in the following examples: